Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited

Binghamton, New York

View Accreditation Certificate
Gary Gates
126 Park Avenue Suite 1A Binghamton , New York 13903

Phone: (607) 773-1812 Fax: (607) 773-1835
Quality Management System - accredited since 10/31/2008
R18, C1077 (Concrete), D3740 (Soil), E329 (Concrete), E329 (Soil)

Soil - accredited since 10/31/2008
R58, T88, T99, T180, T265, D421, D422, D698, D1140, D1557, D2216, D6938

Aggregate - accredited since 10/31/2008
R90, C117, C136, C566, C702, D75

Concrete - accredited since 2/4/2009
C31 (Cylinders), C39, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C511, C617 (7000 psi and below), C1064, C1231 (7000 psi and below)

Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited

Canton, New York

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Ryan Strate
6431 U.S. Highway 11 Canton , New York 13617

Phone: (315) 386-4578 Fax:
Quality Management System - accredited since 10/26/2011
R18, C1077 (Aggregate), C1077 (Concrete), D3740 (Soil), E329 (Aggregate), E329 (Concrete), E329 (Soil)

Soil - accredited since 10/10/2008
R58, T88, T89, T90, T99, T100, T180, T216, T236, T265, T290 (Method B), T291, D421, D422, D698, D854, D1140, D1557, D1883, D2166, D2216, D2435, D2487, D2488, D2850, D2974, D3080, D4318, D4767, D5084, D6938, D7263

Aggregate - accredited since 1/15/2002
R90, T19, C29, C117, C127, C128, C136, C566, C702, D75, D4791

Concrete - accredited since 1/15/2002
C31 (Cylinders), C39, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C457, C511, C617 (8000 psi and below), C1064, C1231 (7000 psi and below)

Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited

Clifton Park, New York

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Olivia Bartik
22 Corporate Drive Clifton Park , New York 12065

Phone: (518) 383-9144 Fax: (518) 383-9166
Quality Management System - accredited since 4/15/2001
R18, C1077 (Aggregate), C1077 (Concrete), C1093 (Masonry), D3740 (Soil), E329 (Aggregate), E329 (Concrete), E329 (Masonry), E329 (Soil), E329 (Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material)

Soil - accredited since 4/15/2001
R58, T88, T89, T90, T99, T180, T265, D421, D422, D698, D1140, D1557, D2216, D2487, D2488, D4318, D5084, D6938

Aggregate - accredited since 4/15/2001
R76, R90, T11, T19, T21, T27, T84, T85, T96, T104, T112, T113, T255, T304, C29, C40, C88, C117, C123, C127, C128, C131, C136, C142, C535, C566, C702, C1252, D75, D4791, D5821

Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material - accredited since 2/15/2011
E605, E736

Concrete - accredited since 3/16/2006
M201, R39, R60, R100 (Beams), R100 (Cylinders), R115, T22, T97, T119, T121, T152, T161, T196, T231 (9000 psi and below), T303, T309, C31 (Beams), C31 (Cylinders), C39, C78, C138, C143, C172, C173, C192, C215, C231, C305, C511, C617 (9000 psi and below), C666, C1064, C1231 (7000 psi and below), C1260, C1293

Masonry - accredited since 3/16/2006
C140 (Concrete Masonry Units) (Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units)
C511 (Moist Cabinets, Moist Rooms, and Water Storage Tanks Used in the testing of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes)
C780 (Annex 1) (Preconstruction and Construction Evaluation of Mortars for Plain and Reinforced Unit Masonry - Consistency by Cone Penetration)
C780 (Annex 6 - Cubes) (Preconstruction and Construction Evaluation of Mortars for Plain and Reinforced Unit Masonry - Compressive Strength of Cubes)
C1019 (Sampling and Testing Grout)
C1552 (Capping Concrete Masonry Units, Related Units and Masonry Prisms for Compression Testing)

Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited

Hamburg, New York

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Paul Gregorczyk
5167 South Park Ave. Hamburg , New York 14075

Phone: (716) 649-8110 Fax:
Quality Management System - accredited since 9/26/2014
R18, C1077 (Aggregate), D3666 (Asphalt Mixture), D3740 (Soil), E329 (Aggregate), E329 (Soil)

Asphalt Mixture - accredited since 9/26/2014
D2041, D2726 (Cores), D3203

Soil - accredited since 9/26/2014
D421, D422, D698, D854, D1557, D1883, D2166, D2216, D2435, D2487, D2488, D2850, D4318, D4767, D5084, D6913, D6938

Aggregate - accredited since 9/26/2014
C40, C117, C127, C128, C136, C566, C702

Concrete - accredited since 9/26/2014
C31 (Cylinders), C39, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C511, C617 (7000 psi and below), C1064, C1231 (7000 psi and below)

Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited

Plattsburgh, New York

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Arthur T. Cross
130 Arizona Avenue Suite 1540 Plattsburgh , New York 12903

Phone: (518) 563-5878 Fax:
Quality Management System - accredited since 1/10/2011
R18, C1077 (Concrete), D3740 (Soil), E329 (Concrete), E329 (Soil)

Soil - accredited since 12/2/2008
R58, T88, T89, T90, T99, T180, T265, D421, D422, D698, D1140, D1557, D2216, D4318, D6938

Aggregate - accredited since 12/2/2008
R90, C117, C136, C566, C702

Concrete - accredited since 1/29/2009
C31 (Cylinders), C39, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C511, C617 (8000 psi and below), C1064, C1231 (7000 psi and below)

Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited

Rochester, New York

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Royce A. Knowlton
3495 Winton Place Bldg. B, Suite 4A Rochester , New York 14623

Phone: (585) 427-9020 Fax: (585) 427-9021
Quality Management System - accredited since 4/17/2006
R18, C1077 (Aggregate), C1077 (Concrete), D3740 (Soil), E329 (Aggregate), E329 (Concrete), E329 (Soil), E329 (Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material)

Soil - accredited since 4/17/2006
R58, T88, T89, T90, T99, T180, T265, D421, D422, D698, D1140, D1557, D2216, D4318, D5334, D6938

Aggregate - accredited since 8/27/2008
R76, R90, T11, T27, T84, T85, T255, C117, C127, C128, C136, C566, C702, D75

Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material - accredited since 4/6/2011
E605, E736

Concrete - accredited since 2/4/2009
C31 (Beams), C31 (Cylinders), C39, C78, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C511, C617 (8000 psi and below), C1064, C1231 (7000 psi and below)

Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited

Syracuse, New York

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Tracy Burgett
6085 Court Street Road Suite A Syracuse , New York 13206

Phone: (315) 699-5281 Fax:
Quality Management System - accredited since 5/15/2001
R18, C1077 (Concrete), D3740 (Soil), E329 (Concrete), E329 (Soil)

Soil - accredited since 3/1/2006
R58, T88, T89, T90, T99, T180, T265, D421, D422, D698, D1140, D1557, D2216, D4318, D6938

Aggregate - accredited since 1/15/2009
R90, C117, C136, C566, C702, D75

Concrete - accredited since 2/25/2009
C31 (Beams), C31 (Cylinders), C39, C78, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C511, C617 (7000 psi and below), C1064, C1231 (7000 psi and below)

Atlantic Testing Laboratories, Limited

Utica, New York

View Accreditation Certificate
David Ameduri
301 St. Anthony's Street Utica , New York 13501

Phone: (315) 735-3309 Fax:
Quality Management System - accredited since 5/22/2006
R18, C1077 (Concrete), C1093 (Masonry), D3740 (Soil), E329 (Concrete), E329 (Masonry), E329 (Soil), E329 (Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material)

Soil - accredited since 10/21/2008
R58, T88, T89, T90, T99, T180, T215, T265, D421, D422, D698, D1140, D1557, D2216, D2434, D2487, D2488, D4318, D5084, D6938

Aggregate - accredited since 5/22/2006
R76, R90, T11, T19, T27, T255, C29, C117, C136, C566, C702, D75

Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material - accredited since 8/10/2011
E605, E736

Concrete - accredited since 5/22/2006
C31 (Cylinders), C39, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C511, C617 (9000 psi and below), C1064, C1231 (7000 psi and below)

Masonry - accredited since 2/20/2009
C140 (Concrete Masonry Units) (Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units)
C511 (Moist Cabinets, Moist Rooms, and Water Storage Tanks Used in the testing of Hydraulic Cements and Concretes)
C1019 (Sampling and Testing Grout)
C1552 (Capping Concrete Masonry Units, Related Units and Masonry Prisms for Compression Testing)

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