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Kaw Valley Engineering, Inc.

Lenexa, Kansas

View Accreditation Certificate
Glenn Schouten
14700 West 114th Terrace Lenexa , Kansas 66215

Phone: (913) 894-5150 Fax: (913) 894-5977
Quality Management System - accredited since 6/14/2007
R18, C1077 (Aggregate), D3666 (Aggregate), D3666 (Asphalt Mixture), D3740 (Soil), E329 (Aggregate), E329 (Asphalt Mixture), E329 (Soil), E329 (Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material)

Asphalt Mixture - accredited since 6/14/2007
R30, R35, R47, T166, T209, T312, T329, D979, D2041, D2726, D2950, D3203, D3549, D4867, D5444, D6307, D6925, D6926, D6927

Soil - accredited since 6/14/2007
T100, T236, D421, D422, D698, D854, D1140, D1557, D1883, D2166, D2216, D2435, D2487, D2488, D2850, D3080, D4318, D4546, D4767, D4943, D4944, D5084, D6938

Aggregate - accredited since 6/14/2007
R76, T11, T27, T84, T85, T100 (Mineral Filler), T327, C29, C40, C88 (Coarse Aggregate), C117, C127, C128, C131, C136, C142, C566, C702, C1252, D75, D2419, D4791, D5821

Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material - accredited since 4/20/2012
E605, E736

Please note that our accreditations do not include an expiration date. An accreditation only expires when the laboratory fails to comply with our accreditation requirements.

* This information is only valid as of 1/21/2025. Please visit for current accreditation status.