2019 AASHTO re:source Technical Exchange
March 11-14, 2019 - Savannah, GA
The AASHTO re:source Technical Exchange brings together laboratory managers, quality managers, supervisors and technicians to learn more about quality and testing in the construction materials testing industry.
Held in Savannah, more than 220 people attended (the most to date), about a quarter of whom were from AASHTO member departments. The meeting’s program offered 25 different sessions, with topics including safety in labs, specific materials testing, common assessment findings, internal audits, training the trainer, as well as a “Women in Engineering” panel that featured five female panelists from the construction materials testing industry. Download the program and agenda: 2019 Technical Exchange Program
Here's what attendees are saying about this unique event:
- "I liked that the Technical Exchange gave an opportunity for people who work in materials testing to share new ideas and to exchange ideas of what it takes to successfully operate a materials testing laboratory."
- "Every session that I attended was very informative and I can take this information home with me for my everyday use."
- "As usual it was well organized and informative. We've been accredited for decades, but we always learn something new when we attend. Excellent program!!"
- "The sessions really helped to break down the intricacies of the accreditation/record keeping requirements – that was extremely helpful."
- "Having this knowledge also helps me to look at current processes to eliminate possible issue before they become an issue."
- "The breakout sessions allowed discussion with peers for related backgrounds and different backgrounds."
- "The presentation included very specific details that can be put into practice – not just a general overview."
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