Manage the performance of testing labs

"We recognize they’re very effective at what they do and they pretty much lead the pack in that regard, so that’s why we lean on them."

California Division of the State Architect

Eric France, Construction Supervisor II

55+ years of experience
PSP participants
samples shipped per year
laboratory assessments per year
accredited labs

AASHTO re:source Specifiers

What is a Specifier? 

A Specifier is an entity that requires the materials testing on their projects to be performed by (a) laboratories accredited by the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP), (b) laboratories that receive an on-site assessment by AASHTO re:source, or (c) laboratories that participate in the AASHTO re:source Proficiency Sample Program (PSP).

Specifiers can include departments of transportation, state and local authorities, or quality managers that oversee multiple branch laboratories.  Some of AASHTO re:source's current specifiers include the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the California Division of the State Architect (DSA), and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), private testing agencies and various local authorities.

AASHTO re:source Tools for Specifiers

We have developed tools on our website that allow “Specifiers” to easily monitor the performance of the laboratories working on their projects.

These tools can be used to track the accreditation status of specific laboratories, or even access assessment reports and proficiency sample program ratings results (with approval from the testing laboratory). Specifiers can also choose to receive automated real-time email alerts whenever important changes occur to the monitored laboratories status. No fee required to become an AASHTO re:source specifier – the service is free.

Why specify AASHTO accreditation?

The AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP) was established in 1988 as a means of formally recognizing the competence of testing laboratories to perform specific tests on construction materials. There are nearly 2,000 laboratories currently accredited through the AAP, making it the largest accrediting body of construction materials testing laboratories.

As a specifier, you want to ensure that laboratories performing work on your projects are of the highest quality. Accredited laboratories have been subjected to rigorous on-site, third party assessments

  • Increases confidence in performance and test results
  • Additional layer(s) of quality assurance to your projects
  • Reduces efforts of your quality assurance team to manage the quality of contracted laboratories

The AAP utilizes laboratory assessment, proficiency sample and technical support services provided by AASHTO re:source and the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL). 
