AASHTO Accreditation
The AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP) formally recognizes the competency of thousands of testing laboratories to perform specific tests on construction materials. In addition to being the largest accrediting body in the construction materials industry, the AAP is also the most widely accepted. AASHTO-Accredited laboratories have proven their commitment to quality and can set themselves apart from their competitors.
Directory of Accredited Laboratories
Users can search for specific laboratories by city or state/country using the
directory of accredited laboratories. The directory is updated frequently and is the sole source for current accreditation information. The directory includes the following information for each accredited laboratory: laboratory name, address, contact information, accredited test methods, and date(s) of initial accreditation for each testing field. All AASHTO Accredited laboratories are listed within the directory. If you do not find a laboratory, check the
False Claims of Accreditation page. Laboratories can avoid unintentionally misstating their accreditation status by following the
Policy on Publicizing Your AASHTO Accreditation.

As an AASHTO-Accredited laboratory, you are able to
- demonstrate conformance to specific national and international standards
- enhance confidence in the testing your laboratory provides
- expand your business opportunities by being eligible to work for more national, state, and local entities that require accreditation
- be a member of an elite group of testing laboratories that is dedicated to quality testing and continual improvement
- influence and improve standards
- stay up-to-date with trends and issues in the industry
AASHTO Accreditation applies to specific testing agency (laboratory) locations for conformance to specific standards. Accreditation does not extend to mobile or site facilities without specific inclusion of those facilities on the AASHTO Accreditation Directory nor does it extend to standards not listed in the laboratory’s AASHTO Accreditation Directory listing.
Accredited laboratories undergo rigorous third-party assessments. During these assessments, each test method is demonstrated in its entirety by the laboratory’s technical staff, and the testing apparatus associated with each test is evaluated. The assessment also includes a thorough review of the laboratory’s quality management system, including records of technician training and competency evaluations as well as equipment calibration and check records. Additionally, a detailed review of all accreditation requirements, including participation in the AASHTO re:source and CCRL proficiency sample programs, is conducted for each accredited laboratory at least once per year.
The AAP accredits laboratories for over 650 AASHTO, ASTM, state, and industry standards. The following table breaks down these fields of testing by assessment provider.
AASHTO re:source |
- aggregate*
- asphalt binder
- asphalt mixtures
- emulsified asphalt
- iron and steel*
- pavement preservation
- rock
- soil
- sprayed fire-resistive materials (SFRM)
- aggregate*
- cementitious materials
- concrete
- controlled low strength material (CLSM)
- dimension stone
- hydraulic cement
- iron and steel*
- masonry
- Pozzolan
- slag cement
- ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC)
* Denotes both AASHTO re:source and CCRL offer assessments for these scopes of testing.
Obtaining Accreditation
- Ensure that your laboratory’s practices and quality management system (QMS) meet the requirements of the AASHTO Accreditation Procedure Manual, AASHTO R 18, and any other ASTM quality system specifications that you may need to comply with such as C1077, C1093, D3666, D3740, and E329.
- Schedule an assessment with AASHTO re:source or CCRL.
- Enroll in the appropriate AASHTO re:source or CCRL proficiency sample programs. Enrollment in AASHTO re:source-supplied samples will be done automatically once we receive your request for accreditation. Please contact CCRL for enrollment in their program.
- Complete your Initial Accreditation Review Form online. The documentation provides us with your organizational structure, along with other basic laboratory information.
- Resolve the nonconformities noted in your assessment within 60 days of the issuance of the report. Please log in to our website and click “View My Accreditation Events” to submit responses.
Maintaining Accreditation
- Receive regularly scheduled assessments by AASHTO re:source and/or CCRL.
- Actively participate in the applicable proficiency sample programs provided by AASHTO re:source and/or CCRL.
- Follow all AAP Procedures for completion of corrective actions by the specified deadlines.
Corporate Quality Management System (QMS) Reviews
This program is available to all laboratories who have an established corporate account on AASHTO resource’s website. The organization must have at least three laboratory locations that are AASHTO Accredited and enforcing their corporate QMS at all locations. All locations must have the same name and all nonconformities must be resolved within the time frame for submitting resolutions. The benefits of this program include time savings, increased overall efficiency and consistency, potential for less findings at each location, streamlined QMS management, and improved communication.
Request Corporate QMS Review.
Review the
Policy and Guidance on Corporate Quality Management System (QMS) Reviews for a complete description of the requirements and fees associated with this program. For more information on this program, please contact Trudy Eckstine at 240-436-4824 or
Service Expectations
We strive to provide excellent service to our customers by being professional, accurate, competent, and timely. We expect staff to always communicate to our customers in a professional manner, provide detailed analysis and responses to customer inquiries, and review assessment corrective actions within 2 weeks of receiving them from the laboratory. Our goal for responses to emails and phone calls is 2 business days, but keep in mind that we will only call you back if you leave a message.
More Information
Find additional resources for AASHTO Accreditation on the
Accreditation Documents page or on our
re:University pages.