Our standard of excellence works for you

"Nobody ever questions us when we submit our accreditations for a project based on procedures, proficiency sampling or lab audits. It gives us a good feeling that every time we do an audit, it will meet the minimum standards that are accepted in the Northeast."

Atlantic Testing Laboratories

Scott McCasland, CWI, Vice President, Quality

55+ years of experience
PSP participants
samples shipped per year
laboratory assessments per year
accredited labs

Find an Accredited Lab

Search for an Accredited Lab

Please Note
The dates displayed beside the field of accreditation correspond to the year of initial accreditation in that field.

Accreditation listings do not include an expiration date because an accreditation only expires when the laboratory fails to comply with the accreditation requirements. Directory listings are continually updated reflecting changes throughout the day.

If you have a question about the way a standard is listed on the directory, email aap@aashtoresource.org or call 240-436-4900.

Search By Laboratory Name
Enter the laboratory name in the textbox and click the submit button. If your search does not return the laboratory you are looking for, enter just the first few letter(s) and try again.

Search by Location
Select the appropriate state from the dropdownlist. Select the city in that state, or click 'All Cities' to return all accredited labs in the state.

Search by Scope and Standard
Accredited labs can also be searched by an individual scope and/or by a specific standard within the scope.

To bookmark a single record:
After finding the laboratory you are searching for, click the 'Show this entry only' link under the lab's location. In Internet Explorer, click the star with a green plus sign, or type Alt+Z. In Mozilla Firefox, click the gray star in the location bar, or type Ctrl+D.