Our standard of excellence works for you

"Nobody ever questions us when we submit our accreditations for a project based on procedures, proficiency sampling or lab audits. It gives us a good feeling that every time we do an audit, it will meet the minimum standards that are accepted in the Northeast."

Atlantic Testing Laboratories

Scott McCasland, CWI, Vice President, Quality

55+ years of experience
PSP participants
samples shipped per year
laboratory assessments per year
accredited labs

AASHTO Accreditation Documents

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  • A Beginner’s Guide to AASHTO Accreditation

    I get asked a lot of questions about all of our programs. Some of the most commonly asked questions are regarding the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP). This is understandable, as it can seem like a daunting task for a new laboratory to get the accreditation process started.
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  • A Day in the Life of a Quality Analyst

    In 2010, I wrote “A Day in the Life of an Assessor” about what it was like to be an AASHTO re:source Assessor on the road. Almost 4 years later, as a Quality Analyst (QA), I spend most of my time in the office working with laboratories in the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP).
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  • AASHTO re:source ISO/IEC 17025 Assessment: What to Expect and Tips to Prepare

    A Quality Management System serves as an important driving force toward achieving quality of products and services. Including the ISO/IEC 17025 standard to your scope of accreditation is a formal recognition of the lab’s technical and organizational competence. The decision to pursue the ISO/IEC 17025 quality standard should not be made lightly or without complete clarity, as there is a cost to the business. Conforming to this rigorous standard demonstrates the lab’s willingness to go above and beyond the customer’s minimum requirements to provide quality service. Whether it’s your first time or something your lab has been through in the past, preparing for an ISO/IEC 17025 assessment can be overwhelming and nerve-racking. This is because there are many pieces to the ISO/IEC 17025 puzzle, and the fear of something not working seamlessly in real-time is quite tangible. Following the five tips presented in this article and addressing them ahead of time can make the lab assessment seamless, straightforward, and a vindication of the lab’s good practices.
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  • Changes to the AASHTO Accreditation Program

    You may have noticed that our program has undergone quite a few changes over the last year. We have modified some of our operations in an attempt to keep up with customer expectations and to ensure we remain a trusted and reliable source of accreditation services in the construction materials industry.
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  • Common Findings in Concrete Assessments: ASTM C1077

    On season 4 episode 26 we discuss common nonconformities for ASTM C1077 and how to resolve them.
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  • Common Findings in Concrete Assessments: ASTM C31, C39, C78, C511

    On season 4 episode 29 we discuss common nonconformities for ASTM C31, C39, C78, and C511 and how to resolve them.
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  • Common Findings in Concrete Assessments: C138, C172, C173, C231, C617, C1231

    On season 4 episode 32 we discuss common nonconformities for ASTM C138, C172, C173, C231, C617, C1231 and how to resolve them.
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  • Empowering Quality: Insights from Benjamin Trujillo

    Discover the fascinating journey of Benjamin Trujillo, a quality management expert who transitioned from construction materials testing to tackling the stringent standards of the nuclear industry. This podcast episode sheds light on the crucial role of quality assurance in diverse sectors and offers valuable insights into operationalizing quality systems. Join us as we delve into Benjamin’s experiences, strategies, and the lessons he has learned along the way.
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  • Evaluating Competency: How do you measure up?

    Raise your hand if you’ve received a nonconformity related to training and competency evaluations. Good. The first step is admitting it. Whether the finding has been minor and easily resolved, or it has required you to revamp your entire training and competency evaluation program, just about everyone has been there before. When it comes to the array of requirements, options, and best practices, there can be a lot of confusion about what you are supposed to be doing. AASHTO R 18 and ASTM quality system standards such as, C1077, D3666, and E329 can all have differently worded requirements, which can add more confusion to the issue. This article will help hone your understanding of documenting competence and interpreting the requirements of quality system standards.
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  • From Volunteers to Leaders: Building a Supportive Committee Environment

    In the latest episode of our podcast, we delve into the strategic vision and volunteer leadership that drive the development and maintenance of the AASHTO materials standards. We are joined by Matt Linneman, Chief Engineer for North Dakota DOT and Chair of the Committee on Materials and Pavements (COMP), and AASHTO liaison Casey Soneira. This episode offers an in-depth look at the essential roles leaders play in ensuring the materials used in our infrastructure are of the highest quality, while also highlighting the critical role of volunteers in maintaining and updating standards.
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  • Get to the Root of the Problem: Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Explained

    Ever get tired of those pesky dandelions in your otherwise lush yard? The weeds are the obvious problem, but have you ever thought about the underlying, or “root,” cause? That might not be so obvious. In reality, there are usually multiple “roots” to most problems, even in the construction materials testing (CMT) industry.
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  • How to Publicize Your Laboratory's AASHTO Accreditation

    Participation in the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP) is a great way for you to show your laboratory’s commitment to quality. You can also use it to expand your commercial laboratory’s range of business opportunities. Being successful is about viability and visibility. You not only need to be the best, but you need to communicate it to potential customers. In this article, we will discuss some of the ways to publicize your laboratory’s AASHTO Accreditation.
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  • How to Resolve AASHTO re:source and CCRL Report Findings

    While a laboratory may have effectively resolved a nonconformity internally, it is also important to understand what forms of evidence need to be submitted to the AASHTO Accreditation Program. In some cases, the laboratory’s proposed resolution does not address, or resolve the nonconformity, and further corrective action(s) will be required. These examples will provide you with guidance on how to best resolve the various types of nonconformities and provide you with more insight into why you may be asked for additional supporting information.
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  • Maintaining AASHTO Accreditation, Maintaining Quality

    Being AASHTO accredited shows that your laboratory is serious about quality. However, the process isn’t over after AASHTO accreditation is initially granted. By maintaining accreditation, you are showing your continued commitment to excellence.
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  • Mastering AASHTO R 18: Common Pitfalls

    Achieving and maintaining AASHTO Accreditation is a cornerstone for just over 2,000 laboratories in the construction materials industry. The latest episode of our podcast, " Mastering AASHTO R 18: Common Pitfalls," delves into the intricacies of AASHTO R 18 conformance, the basis of the AASHTO Accreditation Program. This episode uncovers common problem areas and offers actionable strategies to help labs excel in quality management.
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  • Navigating Updated Masonry Unit and Prism Accreditation Policy for ASTM C140 and C1314

    In this episode of AASHTO re:source Q&A, we dive deep into a new policy that impacts masonry testing standards, aiming to clarify a critical update to ASTM C1716 from 2019. Understanding the latest updates on the dimensional requirements for compression testing machines is essential for laboratories seeking AASHTO accreditation for related test methods.
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  • New Tools for Specifiers: the Missing Piece of the Accreditation Puzzle

    A specifier is any entity that requires laboratory testing to be performed by an agency that participates in one or more of AASHTO re:source’s programs. Specifiers can include departments of transportation, local municipalities, or even corporate offices that manage several branch laboratories. Some of AASHTO re:source’s current specifiers include the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the California Division of the State Architect (DSA), and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Being a specifier can be challenging, and requires constant review of ever-changing laboratory information, such as proficiency sample ratings or accreditation status. In the past, tracking information for one hundred, ten, or even three laboratories was a daunting task.
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  • Quality Corner: ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation

    Did you know that AASHTO re:source offers on-site assessments and AASHTO offers accreditation for International Standard ISO/IEC 17025? You may have at least heard of this standard by now, but maybe you don't know much about it. The title of the standard is "General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories." But how does that differ from AASHTO R 18, "Establishing and Implementing a Quality Management System for Construction Materials Testing Laboratories," which is the basis for accreditation through the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP)? How can a laboratory become accredited for ISO/IEC 17025? What are the benefits? Let's take a closer look.
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  • Raising Your Standards

    Approaches on how to track and stay-up to date with your laboratory’s testing procedures.
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  • Selecting Competent Subcontractors and Vendors: What to Consider and How to Document It

    You should be proud that your laboratory has been through an on-site assessment and has completed the requirements of the AASHTO Accreditation Program. Once accreditation is granted, your laboratory’s accreditation status is available on-line from the Directory of AASHTO Accredited Labs. Your customers can view this accreditation listing and will likely use it as a method of determining whether or not you are competent to perform a given task. So, it makes sense that your laboratory also has a policy for ensuring the competency of the subcontractors and vendors that you use.
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