Programs that work for you

"They are rigorous, they’re about making sure our labs, personnel, and test methods conform, that they’re in compliance. They’re independent, not driven by a vendor or a construction company.”

California Department of Transportation

Philip Stolarski, Former Deputy Division Chief, DES-METS & GS 

55+ years of experience
PSP participants
samples shipped per year
laboratory assessments per year
accredited labs

2018 AASHTO re:source Technical Exchange

March 12-15, 2018 - San Diego, California

Held in sunny San Diego, California, the 2018 AASHTO re:source Technical Exchange was a great opportunity for laboratory managers, quality managers, supervisors, and technicians to learn about pertinent industry topics presented by AASHTO re:source staff and other subject matter experts. Attendees had a chance to provide input into AASHTO re:source's programs and interact with peers in workshop settings.

Download the program and agenda: 2018 Technical Exchange Program

IMG_5429 Opening Session (2) internal audit - wed (3) Lab Manager 101 - Wednesday (17) FAA - Tues (5) r 18 - iso 17025 (1) best practices - Wed (3) corrective action - tues (2) IMG_4986 Q&A - Thurs (6) 2018TechEx_sponsors