DSA Special Inspection Program (SIP)
In collaboration with the California Division of the State Architect (DSA), we have developed an on-site evaluation program for laboratories providing special inspection and/or structural testing services to the DSA. The Special Inspection Program (SIP) is specifically for laboratories seeking to meet or maintain DSA’s Laboratory Evaluation and Acceptance (LEA) program requirements.
Assessment Scope
The following Special Inspection (SI) and Structural Testing (ST) disciplines are subject to the SIP evaluation requirements. The SIP evaluation will include all SI and ST disciplines for which the laboratory is seeking DSA LEA acceptance. Laboratory related structural test disciplines are not included in the scope of the DSA Special Inspection Program.
- Batch Plant (SI)
- High-Strength Bolting (SI)
- Nondestructive Testing (ST)
- Post-Installed Anchors (SI)
- Post-Installed Anchors (ST)
- Prestressed Concrete (SI)
- Reinforced Concrete (SI)
- Shotcrete (SI)
- Soil and Earthwork (SI)
- Spray Applied Fireproofing (SI)
- Structural Masonry (SI)
- Structural Welding (SI)
Assessment Criteria
The SIP evaluation criteria is based on requirements specified in the following:
- The 2022 California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 24:
- Part 1 (California Administrative Code).
- Part 2 (California Building Code).
- DSA Interpretation of Regulations (IR) located on DSA’s Publications webpage.
- IR 17-1, Special Inspection Program (SIP) provides technical requirements and guidance for special inspection and structural testing laboratories.
- ASTM E329 (Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspection, Testing, or Special Inspection)
- Other criteria as specified by the LEA Program.
Participation/On-Site Assessment (Assessment Process)
- Effective July 1, 2024, all laboratories seeking DSA acceptance or currently accepted in the DSA LEA program that perform special inspection and/or structural testing for any of the disciplines listed in the scope are required to participate in the SIP on-site evaluation.
- The SIP evaluation will occur during the regularly scheduled on-site assessment visits from AASHTO re:source.
- For laboratories that do not receive AASHTO re:source on-site assessments, a DSA representative may perform the SIP evaluation.
To Request an Assessment
To participate in the DSA SIP, please select the SIP evaluation checkbox when completing your regular on-site assessment request.
Laboratories which request the AASHTO re:source SIP evaluation should be formally seeking or be currently accepted by the DSA LEA program. New laboratories shall apply for DSA LEA prior to receiving an AASHTO re:source on-site SIP evaluation.
Before the Assessment
Review the SIP Assessment Preparation List prior to the on-site assessment. It describes the steps that laboratories should take to prepare for SIP evaluation.
During the Assessment
During the visit, the assessor will evaluate the laboratory for conformance to the SIP program requirements associated with the applicable disciplines, including:
- quality management system documentation
- personnel qualifications and records
- availability of field equipment and related calibration or verification records
- special inspection and structural testing procedures/field practices
After the Assessment
- Results of the SIP evaluation will be included in the laboratories final on-site assessment report.
- If your laboratory has approved specifier access to the DSA via the AASHTO re:source specifier tool, the final assessment report will be made available to the DSA program administrator for review.
- All responses and corrective actions related to the SIP assessment shall be submitted directly to DSA for review and acceptance.
AASHTO Accreditation and DSA Laboratory Acceptance
- The SIP evaluation does not result in formal AASHTO accreditation, however, participation in the SIP is required to meet the criteria established by the DSA LEA.
- All decisions regarding laboratory acceptance will be made solely by the DSA and not AASHTO re:source or the AASHTO Accreditation Program (AAP).
For questions regarding the new SIP onsite evaluation or how to request an evaluation, please contact Greg Uherek, Manager of Business Development at guherek@aashtoresource.org.
For questions regarding DSA LEA program administration, the new SIP evaluation process or requirements, please contact Eric France, Construction Supervisor at (916) 445-2193 or eric.france@dgs.ca.gov.