Samples that drive quality

"I don’t think we would have the quality of the AB program that we do [without] having their involvement, maintaining the standard that we do. I think it’s helped us immensely."

New Hampshire Department of Transportation

Alan Rawson, Bureau of Materials & Research Administrator

55+ years of experience
PSP participants
samples shipped per year
laboratory assessments per year
accredited labs

Proficiency Sample Schedule

NOTE: All dates are subject to change.

Enrollment Cutoff Date
To be enrolled in the sample, laboratories must have submitted an enrollment request and paid the invoice before the specified date. Any requests or payments received after this date will be placed on a future enrollment list, and a credit (if payment received), will be automatically applied to the account. Your laboratory will be enrolled in the sample after the final report for it has been released.

Ship Date
This is the estimated date the sample round will be shipped from our facility, though samples are often shipped earlier. Please note that datasheets and instructions for the sample will only be available starting on this date, even if the sample is shipped earlier than expected.

Non-Receipt Date
This is the date by which your laboratory should receive the sample. Please contact us at if you have not received it by this date.

Closing Date
All testing data must be submitted and confirmed by the laboratory on or before this date. Any data submitted after this date will not be included in the analysis, and no ratings will be issued.  Data can not be changed after this date.

Sample TypeRoundEnrollment CutoffShip Date*Non-Receipt*Closing DateFinal Report
Asphalt Mixture Ignition Oven - HMI49/508/1/202411/14/202411/28/20241/9/20251/23/2025
Performance Graded Asphalt Binder - PGB277/2782/1/202411/21/202412/5/20241/16/20251/30/2025
Viscosity Graded Asphalt Cement - BAC277/2782/1/202411/28/202412/12/20241/23/20252/6/2025
Winter Maintenance Products - WMP1/211/15/202412/19/20241/2/20252/13/20252/27/2025
Aggregate Degradation - AGD7/81/2/20251/23/20252/6/20253/20/20254/3/2025
Soil Classification and Compaction - SOL191/1921/23/20253/6/20253/20/20255/1/20255/15/2025
Soil Resistance R-Value - RVL191/1921/30/20253/13/20253/27/20255/8/20255/22/2025
Soil California Bearing Ratio - CBR191/1921/30/20253/13/20253/27/20255/8/20255/22/2025
Soil Corrosivity and Chemistry - SCC1/21/30/20253/13/20253/27/20255/8/20255/22/2025
Performance Graded Asphalt Binder - PGB279/2803/25/20254/10/20254/24/20256/5/20256/19/2025
Viscosity Graded Asphalt Cement - BAC279/2803/25/20254/17/20255/1/20256/12/20256/26/2025
Asphalt Mixture Hveem Design by California Kneading Compaction - HCA5/64/10/20255/22/20256/5/20257/17/20257/31/2025
Asphalt Mixture Hveem Design by Gyratory Shear Compaction - HTX5/64/10/20255/22/20256/5/20257/17/20257/31/2025
Asphalt Mixture Hveem Design by 4-in Gyratory Compaction - HCO5/64/10/20255/22/20256/5/20257/17/20257/31/2025
Asphalt Mixture Marshall Design - MAR83/844/10/20255/22/20256/5/20257/17/20257/31/2025
Asphalt Mixture Gyratory - HMG59/604/17/20255/29/20256/12/20257/24/20258/7/2025
Aggregate Gradation and Gravity - AGG7/86/12/20257/24/20258/7/20259/18/202510/2/2025
Polymer-Modified Emulsified Asphalt - PME5/66/26/20257/31/20258/14/20259/25/202510/9/2025
Unmodified Emulsified Asphalt - EML83/847/10/20258/21/20259/4/202510/16/202510/30/2025
Hamburg Wheel Track - HWT3/47/17/20259/4/20259/18/202510/30/202511/13/2025
Slurry and Micro Systems - SMS17/187/31/20259/11/20259/25/202511/6/202511/20/2025
Asphalt Mixture Solvent Extraction - HMS103/1049/4/202510/9/202510/23/202512/4/202512/18/2025
Paint - PNT75/768/7/202410/23/202511/6/202512/18/20251/1/2026
Asphalt Mixture Ignition Oven - HMI51/5210/2/202510/30/202511/13/20251/1/20261/15/2026
Viscosity Graded Asphalt Cement - BAC281/2823/25/202511/6/202511/20/202512/25/20251/8/2026
Performance Graded Asphalt Binder - PGB281/2823/25/202511/20/202512/4/20251/15/20261/29/2026
Winter Maintenance Products - WMP3/410/30/202512/4/202512/18/20251/29/20262/12/2026
Sample TypeRoundEnrollment CutoffShip Date*Non-Receipt*Closing DateFinal Report