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"“…if you do everything that the AASHTO accreditation requires you to do, if you execute all of the requirements of [AASHTO re:source], you will have a well-run laboratory."

Florida Department of Transportation

Tim Ruelke, P.E., Director, Office of Materials

55+ years of experience
PSP participants
samples shipped per year
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accredited labs


New Policy and Guidance Document on Thermometers for AASHTO Accreditation

Mar 28, 2019

AASHTO re:source has published a new Policy and Guidance Document on Thermometer Selection and Records.  During on-site assessment, AASHTO re:source staff will review the thermometers used in your laboratory as well as the accompanying records to verify conformance to this policy.  * If you have any questions about this policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@aashtoresource.org.

Other Policy Documents for the AASHTO Accreditation Program can be found in the Document Library at www.aashtoresource.org
