On July 29, 2022, AASHTO digitally released the 42nd edition of the Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing, and AASHTO Provisional Standards. It includes numerous updates related to temperature and thermal metrology (thermometers, ovens, etc.) that impact hundreds of standards.
We have not yet had the opportunity to examine the updates for all of the standards included in our scope of programs. However, after a preliminary review, we anticipate many standards will require additional revisions before we can begin complete enforcement of the new requirements throughout the Laboratory Assessment and AASHTO Accreditation Programs.
AASHTO re:source has decided to postpone the enforcement of the majority of the temperature-related 2022 updates until our feedback is considered by the AASHTO Committee on Materials and Pavements. Our projected date for implementing these changes is after the release of the 44th edition (in late 2024). Until then, AASHTO re:source will continue to enforce the temperature-related content as it stood in the 41st edition of the standards.
Please be aware that there may be exceptions to this general approach as the process unfolds. The delayed implementation only applies to the temperature-related requirements of the standards, all other updated requirements will be enforced once they’ve been evaluated and appropriate changes have been incorporated into our assessment process.
Please contact us at info@aashtoresource.org with any questions or concerns.
Related background information can be found on our podcast. AASHTO re:source Q & A: