Programs that work for you

"They are rigorous, they’re about making sure our labs, personnel, and test methods conform, that they’re in compliance. They’re independent, not driven by a vendor or a construction company.”

California Department of Transportation

Philip Stolarski, Former Deputy Division Chief, DES-METS & GS 

55+ years of experience
PSP participants
samples shipped per year
laboratory assessments per year
accredited labs


Update on Laboratory Assessments

Aug 16, 2021

In our July communication regarding on-site assessments, we announced the decision to postpone the return to on-site assessments.  At this time, we will continue to conduct remote assessments until further notice.  When a new target date for return to on-site assessments has been determined, we will inform customers via email, our website, and social media.  We will send another update to customers no later than October 3, 2021.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have done our best to answer some of your questions below.  If you cannot find an answer to your question, please send us your question through this online form

  • My laboratory is already scheduled for a remote assessment. Can I just wait and have an on-site assessment instead?
    No.  We will be conducting all assessments remotely until further notice.  Postponing or cancelling your assessment may result in revocation of your accreditation and cancellation fees.
  • My laboratory had a remote assessment for initial accreditation.   I know I need to have an abbreviated on-site assessment.  What do I need to do?
    AASHTO re:source staff will email you approximately two months prior to your on-site assessment to let you know that it is time to submit a request.  You do not need to do anything until we contact you.
  • I already submitted my laboratory’s assessment request, but the assessment has not been scheduled yet. Is there anything that I need to do?
    No.  You will receive an email from us 4-6 weeks before the start date of your assessment.  You can review our schedule to get a better idea of when we will be visiting your area, or you can contact us at

Resources to Help You Prepare for Your Assessment

Whether your next assessment is remote or on-site, there are some things that you can do to ensure that you are prepared to get the most out of the experience.  We encourage you to check out the recording of our latest webinar, Ready Set, Go: How to Prepare for an Assessment, which will guide you through the assessment process, step-by-step.  You can also listen to our Podcast episode on the same subject.  In addition, we have a helpful infographic on How to Prepare for Your Remote Assessment.

If you have more questions, please submit them through this online form.  
